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Do you have B income?

Avoid residual tax & remember deductions

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Find out in 1 minute how much you really know about B-income

• Our user-friendly solution helps fee recipients to obtain an overview.

• Fee jobs are registered easily and simply.

• You avoid tax bribes and do not cheat yourself of deductions.

For Whom? is for everyone who has personal b-income - ie B-income via CPR number. Regardless of the size of the B income or what activity it originates from. Whether you are a musician, doctor, journalist, lecturer, DJ, football player, visual artist, photographer, sports teacher, or something completely different, is for you. Read more here if you are a member of an A-fund.

Why do you need

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Avoid residual tax

Are you afraid of getting a boring residual tax? gives you an overview of how much you should set aside for SKAT and AM contributions - even corrected for driving deductions, other deductions and depreciation. Thus, you always have the updated overview of your entire B-income, including deductions. If you use, you therefore do not have to worry about residual tax.

Control deductions

Are you afraid of getting a boring residual tax? gives you an overview of how much you should set aside for SKAT and AM c44.ontributions - even corrected for driving deductions, other deductions and depreciation. Thus, you always have the updated overview of your entire B-income, including deductions. If you use, you therefore do not have to worry about residual tax.

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